
Authentic people growing open source code with taste

New Feature: leader()

A new feature, leader(), has been added in WeasyPrint 🎉.

leader() has been added thanks to the financial support of Simonsoft. It has been a real pleasure to develop this feature with them.

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What is leader() and how to use it?

A leader is a repeating pattern used to visually connect content across horizontal spaces, like in tables of contents for example.

Example of leaders in a table of contents

The function leader() is a possible value of the content property and creates leaders. You can have "." leaders, "_" leaders, " " leaders or any string you want as leader!

Using this function replaces the hack which consists in adding dots manually in the content property.

Limitations and testing

There are currently some limitations. Indeed, the behaviour of leader() may be undefined when the width is not defined, or the leader string is larger than the box or if there are several leaders for the same line.

As long as the containing box width is defined, leader() works, even with RTL text:

Example of leaders in a table of contents with RTL

or with floating elements around:

Example of leaders in a table of contents with float element on left side Example of leaders in a table of contents with float element on right side

The leader() feature has been developed exclusively for the pydyf version and won’t be backported to the Cairo version. That’s a good reason to give a try to the master branch if not already done 😉.